Recipe for 2
200 gm fresh or frozen red berries (strawberries, raspberries - himbeeren, blackberries - brombeeren, cranberries - preiselbeeren, etc.)
2 to 3 heaped tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cornstarch (Staerke) mixed smoothly with 3 tbsp water
Bring the berries to boil in a small pot. Add water only if the fruits stick to the pot, and then only as little water as possible. Add the raspberries last as they tend to disintegrate easily. Add the sugar as soon as the fruit mixture boils (bubbles). After half a minute, add the cornstarch mixture. Stir well to thicken the Rote Gruetze. Remove from heat. Serve chilled with vanilla sauce (Dr. Oetker Vanillesosse).